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What Is The Difference Between Abutment, Pier And Column?

What Is Abutment?
It used at the ends of the bridge to retain the embankment and also carry the vertical and horizontal loads for the bridge super structure to the foundation. Abutment are usually constructed from concrete which can support heavy load of the vehicles.

Function Of Abutment
1. To transmit the load from the bridge superstructure to the underlying sub-soil.
2. To provide final formation level to the bridge superstructure.
3. To retain the earth pressure of embankment of the approaches.
Types Of Abutment
1. Abutment with wing walls.
2. Abutment without wing walls.

What Is Pier?
Generally Pier is the types of column which are construct between the two abutments in the bridge which support the load of super structure of the bridge. Piers are transfer the load of the slab beam and vehicles to foundation.
Function Of Pier
The function of a pier is to transmit the load from the bridge to the underneath sub-soil.
Types Of Pier
Depending upon the type of superstructure, sub-soil conditions and the construction procedure of the bridge, pier can be classified into the following two types:
1. Solid piers
2. Open piers.

What is Column?
Column is a vertical structural member designed to transmit a compressive load. Column transfers the load from superstructure to the substructure. Columns are supported by fixed ends at both ends.
Types of Column 
1- Single Column Bent
2- Two Column Bent
3- Multiple Column Bent


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Engineering Discoveries: What Is The Difference Between Abutment, Pier And Column?
What Is The Difference Between Abutment, Pier And Column?
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